Introducing Your Bay Area Shop Girl
When recently asked “If you could do anything right now, and you were totally fearless, what would it be?” I instantly knew, I would write! And in these new and COVID-times, when online communication is seemingly all we have, my vast knowledge of interior design, I feel, might inspire greatness.
You see, I believe GREAT design can change our lives! And I’m ready to greet my friends, family and followers with words of wisdom as we explore the world of design ‘greatness’ together.
The time is now for me to pass on my life experience as a true creative, and a leader in my industry. And it is my hope that this blog will influence anyone who’s in need of a transformation in their physical surroundings.
After 25 years of hard work refining both my design skills, and filling up what I call my spiritual “tool kit”, I feel inspired to begin unpacking my wisdom, and sharing my gifts with whomever wants to listen. Together, let’s transform your shelter in place into your new favorite sanctuary! Simple, “thought-full”, and beautiful design changes don’t have to be custom, couture or expensive for you to LOVE them. And they can start today!
And so it begins….I’m writing as your Bay Area Shop Girl, and I couldn’t be more excited to do so!
Your ‘fearless’ friend,